100 Days of Coding Web Development Bootcamp
This is a huge course, packed with content and it's the web development bootcamp i would have loved to have when i learned web development.
Here's a summary of the key concepts you 'll explore as part of this course:
How the web works
Core technologies: HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Understand how HTML documents are structured and how HTML elements are used correctly
Learn core CSS concepts like the box model, flexbox, positioning, units and much more
Explore advanced CSS concepts like building responsive websites, layouts, custom CSS properties, CSS grid & more
Learn browser-side JavaScript from the ground up
Understand what the "DOM" is and how you can manipulate it via JavaScript
Explore browser / user events and how to handle them with JavaScript
Build tons of projects (e.g. a Tic-Tac-Toe browser game) to practice and fully understand all these technologies
Dive into backend development with NodeJS & ExpressJS
Learn what NodeJS is and how it works
Build basic backend-driven websites with advanced concepts like dynamic routing or dynamic templates
Learn how to work with databases - SQL & NoSQL (and what that is)
Practice how to use SQL / NoSQL with NodeJS & Express
Dive into advanced concepts like authentication, website security, coding patterns, file uploads, user input validation and so much more!
Again: Build plenty of projects (e.g. a complete online shop, from the ground up!) to practice all advanced concepts as well
Learn how to use third-party packages and services (e.g. Stripe for payments) in your websites
Move on to more specialized, advanced concepts like building REST APIs
Explore frontend JavaScript frameworks like Vue.js to build even more powerful web user interface